Friday, April 22, 2011

MEGA Swagbucks Friday!

I mentioned a while back about sitting down and using some of my saved up Swagbucks I currently have received 2 $15 iTunes cards and a total of $35 in cards. Not too shabby for simply searching the web and doing simple tasks from time to time. Since I started this I have changed my strategy, I only redeem my points for Amazon bucks 450pts = $5, when I did the math I found that this was the best way for me to get the most for me points. It is SOOOO Easy!

Friday's are always a great day because its MEGA swag bucks day and you can earn even more 'bucks' to spend on some great gift cards etc....why not head on over and get started, sign up now to start racking up your SwagBucks!

Every Friday is Mega Swag Bucks Friday, and that means that you can earn Swag Bucks in increments of 10, 20, 50 and up to 100!

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